Lisa Cecin, Director of Club Relations, American Kennel Club, has requested clarification be posted immediately. AKC is not taking sides in the election issue, But are simply asking for documentation from the club to enable AKC to make a fair and objective evaluation of the facts.
USACTC, Board of Directors will keep the membership and AKC posted of all the facts regarding the Board of Director elections. Please see the timeline of events regarding 2017-2018 Board of Director Election and the Recording Secretary Bylaw violations. Timeline of dates below are highlights only. Our membership may visit our USACTC On Line, News Flash group to review complete information at
Nov. 22nd, 2016 – Bi Annual Board of Directors Election – News Flash First election of the Board of Directors was declared null and void by majority vote of the board after seeking legal and Parliamentarian opinion from Chris Creech Esq., attorney at law and Timothy Wynn, PRP, Perfect Rules Inc. The right to vote is a basic right of an individual member. Any action taken in violation of a rule protecting a basic right of an individual member is null and void. See RONR (11th ed.), p. 251, lines 7-26.
Nov. 29th, 2016 – Annual Meeting Reschedule – News Flash and USPS Our annual meeting date was changed from December 15th, 2016 in Orlando FL to December 30th 2016 in Lexington, KY in order give our board time to seek professional advice.
Nov. 30th, 2016 – Letter to the Membership – News Flash USACTC Board of Directors gave the membership an update on the problems with the Recording Secretary and asks for their patience during this time and the appreciation of their continued support.
December 9th, 2016 Update to Membership – News Flash Our Board of Directors is taking the necessary steps to mitigate the actions of the Recording Secretary with regard to the club’s bi-annual election.
December 15th, 2016 Update to Membership – News Flash Notice of removing the duties of the Recording Secretary and from the board of Directors. Updated the membership with the professional opinion of Timothy Wynn, PRP, Perfect Rules Inc. Announcement of a new election to correct the recent invalid election. Notice of a cease and desist letter from our attorney Chris Creech Esq. Notice of Mr. Presley claiming to be the elected President.
January 4th, 2017 – Update to Membership – News Flash
- Assuring our membership that this Board of Directors of the authentic USACTC, Inc., is moving forward to correct the unauthorized actions of the Recording Secretary.
- Reminder a new election process has been initiated.
- Again, your board of Directors apologizes for the actions of Mr. Presley as he has compromised the forward movement of our club, our 2016 Election process and possibly the 2017 National Specialty.
- Please contact the board members with any questions or concerns.
- Thank you again for your support and patience.
January 11th, 2017 – News Flash – Announcement
- Our Nominating Committee has determined a slate of nominees for our club’s Board of Directors for 2017-2018 Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to; Linda Behrens, 5858 Southridge Drive, Brownsburg, IN 46112.
- Any additional nominations must be postmarked no later than January 25, 2017. If no valid additional nominations are received by the deadline, the Nominating Committee’s slate shall be declared elected and no balloting will be required.
- Our first election was ruled invalid by the majority of the Board of Directors and a professional Parliamentarian; this was noted at our annual meeting on December 30, 2016. The meeting minutes will be provided when our Financial Report is complete.
January 18th, 2017 – News Flash – Announcement
- Annual Meeting Minutes